17 September 2007

Southwest has a new ad campaign advertising its "Skimpy Fares." Classy.

And now you can buy a veritable Tommy Gun for your little mobster - has anyone seen the commercial for this thing? It makes NO SENSE. (I would definitely post it, but alas, I cannot find it.)

And Greenspan is releasing his memoirs. I love this guy. He routinely made all my economics professors in college have to rewrite their lectures because he continually dropped the interest rate. With every drop, the profs would decalre that it could not possibly go any lower, and then in the next class would scramble to explain why Greenspan had done it again. And really, how could you not love a guy who wrote the book in the bathtub? It's officially on my wishlist.

And to everyone who would like to read more books, but don't have the time to actually sit down and read one: I bring you Daily Lit, a site where you can sign up to receive books in parts via email or RSS. Personally, I'm reading The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 160 increments, one delivered to my inbox daily. This may even give you a fighting chance of finishing War and Peace!

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