28 September 2007

The complaint(s)

Will this heinousness ever end? Not only am I queasy half of the time, but now it's my morning shower that contributes to the nausea. And I'm not EVEN going to go into how coffee (my beloved coffee! WHY?) makes the ol' stomach turn. As a result of my stomach's ongoing strike, I think I am actually losing weight (well, maybe not losing...but definitely not gaining either - we'll call it net). My pregnancy jeans that I purchased a few weeks ago are falling down. (oh yes - I look mighty cute. Saggy drawers are in!)
So I have been relegated to...soup. Specifically tomato, but any kind will do. And the soup has the added benefit of keeping me warm, since I have had the chills like crazy recently. (I know - chills? Moi? Poster child for perspiration?)
Ugh. At least I get to leave early today and nap with LPT. Sleep is my only refuge!

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