26 September 2007

I think I can honestly say that I have never wanted a cupcake more than right now. While I was doing my usual cruise for news at the New York Times, I came across this article - Don't Even Think About Touching That Cupcake. It talks about how cupcakes are being banned from some schools due to their distinct lack of nutritional value. However, this cupcake ban has many up in arms - cupcakes are just wonderful! How could anyone say differently?

Well, I went to a website mentioned in the article called Cupcakes Take The Cake, which officially began my downward spiral into Flickr. But I did see some completely wonderful cupcakes, and now I am craving them something awful.
J and I tried to make something like the "Toffee Tumbler" cupcake, except bigger (and thus much messier) around Christmas, and the entire thing fell apart and we were left munching on sticky doughnuts for the rest of the evening.

And LPT is getting more and more upset when she sees me in the middle of the day. Sometimes my mom will stop by and bring lunch, or sometimes I'll go to her house. LPT freaks out whenever I have to leave, screaming "No, Mommy! Don't go!" And every time it reminds me of that horrible scene in Sophie's Choice where she decides to let the Nazis take her daughter. Guilt overload.

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