24 September 2007

I'm beginning to think that my body is suddenly anti-pregnancy. I'm feeling okay today, but I was hella queasy all last week and the week before, and on Friday I had to leave work early because I had a fever. What is going on? I hope this is no indication of what the actual midget will be like, because I'm not sure I could handle that. AND I've been having some strange dreams. I know that pregnant women often have...(ahem) interesting dreams, but these are beginning to freak me out. They're very real, and they each night they involve someone I have dated in the past.

LPT is driving me berserk. She has morphed into teenage mode, complete with responses like an exasperated "No, mom! Gosh! Jeez!" and slamming of doors. This behavior makes me want to scream. That, and she's figured out that when I'm in the shower is the best time to climb to dangerous heights in the kitchen and scavenge for candy. Though perhaps I should be glad that she's sharing: the other morning, she came into the bathroom during my shower with one Dum-Dum sucker in her mouth and one for me, too.

I have a new theme in my cooking. RUSTICA. E made an onion tart the other day and it was fabulous. When I asked her about how she did it, she informed me it was completely easy, just throw a few things together and do the absolute minimal in terms of making it look "nice" and "neat" and bake the sucker. Less effort for super food? Sounds like my kind of thing.

Oh, and I would like to make a statement regarding the eternal messiness of my bedroom: those piles of clothes have meaning! I'm aspiring to be like Corriette Schoenaerts, who is the creator of this wonderful photo. Look closely at the overall shape of the clothes. Does it maybe resemble a continent?

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