24 October 2007

I know I've been posting lost of video clips lately, and I apologize. But allow me just one more day, please? I saw the best movie EVER last night and I'm all giddy and wanting to watch all that I can of it today. It's called Across the Universe. It's a story told entirely through Beatles songs - I know, it sounds a little weird. But it's awesome. And it certainly doesn't hurt that the lead guy is mighty easy on the eyes and can sing. It was a little awkward after the film though (which I saw with D) when he mentioned that he probably didn't get about half of the jokes and allusions in the movie because he doesn't like the Beatles. Who is this man that I married? I'm kidding, of course. Ok, watch. The first clip is my favorite scene, the bowling alley and "I've Just Seen A Face." (and Jude is looking F-I-N-E.)

Eddie Izzard!

The other male lead, Max.

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