03 August 2007

Oy. I think I've gone blind. I just had to "edit" about 2000 photographs of a parish and its various activities (most of which mean nothing to me since I am not a member and thus know no one in any of these photos) and to top it all off, the photographer has a camera that takes pictures in rapid succession - so that when I look at them, it is like looking.

And LPT has a cold. She's perfected the pathetic look, all puppy-eyed, "Mama, I don't feel very well. <sniff>" I feel bad for her, but when she says that I feel a little twinge of pride because she's saying that she feels like poo, but by god, she's saying it grammatically correct.

And I finally (finally!) got D to care about politics. I took him to see Sicko at the Village the other night ($2 Tuesdays - check it out) and when we left, he was more fired up than I was. There was shouting in the car. I had to tell him to calm down. Yes, the rant was cynical and pessimistic (really, can D think any other way?) but it was a political rant. He wanted to do something. It's almost music to my ears when someone hears about a crappy policy and comes away shouting "BULLSHIT!"

My mom and I were taking the other day about what I could deal with when LPT grows up. Blue hair, yes. Nose ring, yes. Tattoo, yes, with conditions. (If it's some retarded character or plant or insect, NO WAY. It has to mean something. And I mean REALLY mean something. I'll not have any daughter of mine looking like some skank with a tattoo that everyone and their mom has. Jesus.) Goth, yes. Death metal fan, yes. So she lists all these things that I assume she thinks are "bad" (assume - I know) and then she says, "Lesbian?" And I said, "I can only hope." The reaction was classic. I felt like I was in The Family Stone or something. Later that night I reflected on it, and I think the only thing that would really bother me, and I mean to the point of nagging her until she stopped, is if she decided to become a Republican. And then I would just lose all respect for the child. Is there a support group for such a condition, just in case my mother has more influence than I do? Like McBAR - My Child Became A Republican.

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