30 August 2007

I loved mix tapes. They were a perfect medium through which to express all sorts of feelings, and there's nothing better for long car trips. Sadly, the mix tape has gone the way of the 8-track. Now, the big thing is mp3 players, which can be nice, but they usually take all your music and mix it up. There's no thought, no time put into selecting each and every song to describe whatever emotion you wanted to convey.

Well, have I got something for you! (of course I do - don't I always?) A mix tape USB from the (every-lovely) SUCK UK. Yes, one could argue that it's just a regular USB, but I love it. Call me a sucker for packaging. And can't you just see your friends' faces when they open their customized "mix tape?" Priceless. (and while at the site, check out the smoking mittens. Genius!)

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