05 August 2007

Whiskey sour, and make mine a double

Yesterday was...interesting. In many ways it was great: D was able to get off work early and come with LPT and myself to a family gathering, I got to eat my fabulous stepmother's absolute divine cheesecake (makes any day at least 75%, no matter what), and I got to see family I had not seen in awhile (and friends of that wing of the family!) We ate, we laughed, we talked fashion (most notably the distinct lack of shirts that will cover the stomachs of those of us "blessed" with long torsos - links to follow with Tall sizes in tops.) All was well. However, the ride to said family gathering SUCKED. LPT made it her mission to climb all over the back seat of the car, and I feel bad because all I really wanted to do was hog-tie her and give her a sedative. I miss when she was little enough to not move. Much. Then on the way home, she slept, but when D dropped me off at my car, she went into complete FREAK OUT mode (because I had the nerve to presume that I could leave without consequence) and ralphed in the car. D was not amused. So we all went home, hosed her down, and tried to call people to come over. To hang out with us and the sick and puking toddler. Awesome. As you can probably imagine, there were no takers.

So D and I have been "trying" (technically) for about two months now. No baby, but we're chill about it - if it happens great. If not, great. The other day, my stepsister asks me (in a tone usually reserved for those who are dying) "So, what are you going to do if you can't have any more kids?" I looked at her for a second like she was a looney, and said "Um...drink at parties and ultimately save money?" So then she asks if I will ever go on birth control again. I asked why I would do such a thing, since we're presuming I can't have any more babies. So then she lays out this scenario in which I'm 35 and I get pregnant and have a baby with a significant birth defect. So I acquiesced, and admitted that, ten years from now (!) if I still wasn't pregnant after trying the entire time, but thought that I may still have a chance of becoming so, that I would go on birth control again. And then I silently mourned the 10 minutes of my life that I would never get back.

LONG tops:
Eddie Bauer
most notably this one, this one, and this one (because nobody really likes a cropped jacket.)

Banana Republic
with the author preferring this one, this one, and this one.

try this, this (I have this one and it is awesome. POCKETS.), and this. [and here is the skirt I mentioned. Whales and skulls. woot.]

I am officially making this long top thing my personal mission. Updates as I find 'em.

IKEA next weekend! Beware shoppers!

P.S. I HATE Kids Bop. The songs are not for kids, no matter who is singing. Aargh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a whale shirt from Target that's so long it's practically a tunic (even though it's not supposed to be). I am officially content.