31 July 2007

The fallen angel?

The world we inhabit is gritty and that lovely light that makes all the flaws go away is usually conspicuously absent However, occasionally the light shifts and we get a break (the proverbial sunglasses, if you will). I stumbled upon this today, and it made me smile and instantly love the girl.

And for perspective...

She's asleep. That's not her house, though. And there was no ladder nearby. She's wearing a wedding dress, and under her head there was a teddy bear with a Tiffany's box inside, containing a ring. And the real details* of the story are nothing glamourous, just sad. But this girl seems almost magical. It's in the drape of the dress, the peaceful expression on her face...you can draw so many conclusions about what is going on here. And that the entire time all these people were staring, taking pictures, getting her down, she was completely oblivious. It was only when they tried to take her teddy bear that she began to cry out. But she calmed down again when they gave it back.

Maybe it's strange, but this picture (avec or sans back story, I haven't decided) just made my light a little softer.

*The real details: the cops contacted Tiffany's, who ran the serial number on the ring (yes, all diamonds from DeBeers have a serial number laser-cut into them - who knew?) and found the buyer. He said that yes, he had purchased the diamond and even proposed to the girl in question, but that he had broken the engagement due to the girl's refusal to take her medication for bipolar disorder.

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