13 July 2007


apotheosis: n. the epitome, quintessence

A Day in the Life of D
When D left my office today, he took LPT to my mother's house because she had requested to take a nap there. As he is driving through the neighborhood, he pulls up to a three-way stop at the same time as a cop. He decides to let the cop go ahead, but the cop does nothing. So D continues, and the cop proceeds to follow him. All the way to my mother's house. When D pulls into the driveway, the cop turns on his lights and siren and blocks the driveway. At this very moment, my stepfather and a dear old friend visiting from out-of-town pull up. My stepfather is irritated, because he can't get into his driveway. He (pointedly) asks the cop what he hell is going on, and the cop responds that the tags on that silver car there are expired.
[Now, D had been pulled over and given a warning about 4 days ago for the exact same reason. The car is registered, but D lost the sticker. We're paid up, just not verifiable visually.]
The cop walks up to D (who is trying to calm my mother and get LPT out of the car) and says "Sir, your tags are expired." D is pretty pissed at this point, and lays out all the information. The cop says, "Well, sir, it's almost 2008, so you need to fix this." And my lovely husband responds, "No, it's July! 2008 is 6 months away! My birthday is this month, so I need to renew my registration anyway! It will get done." Then the cop starts looking in our car. "Was that child riding in the car seat?" D rolls his eyes. "Yes, of course she was." Then the cop looks at the house and says, "Sir, is this your house? Do you live here?" I think this was probably what put D over the edge (and ironically, what probably saved him a citation) and he says, "No, sir, I don't live here. This would be my mother-in-law's house. That's her, right there, and that's my wife's stepfather, that's his friend from Kansas City, and that's my daughter. Anything else?"
I guess the cop thought that D was in enough trouble already.

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