16 April 2007

I forgot to post this last night, so here I am this morning

Oh, what a day! There's nothing like writing cheques for multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars (for someone else, of course - psh! I ain't got that kind of dough.) to make you feel completely insignificant and yet, lucky because your income doesn't require four quarterly cheques of around $110K written to dear ol' Uncle Sam. And to think, I was bitching because we were only getting about $100 back this year. Awkward moment, that was.

So, last weekend I made the mistake of telling LPT about pets my parents had when they were children (Papa had a horse when he was a little boy, Mammy had cows because she lived on a dairy farm, etc.) Well, then I told her about a pet my father received one Easter when he was 7 or so. It was the late 50s, when they still dyed baby chicks different colors and put them in kids' Easter baskets. His was blue, named Charlie, and turned out to be a rooster. Stupid me completely blanked on how the story ended - he came home one day from school and Charlie was gone, and they were having fried chicken for dinner. And he didn't make the connection until years later. Perhaps LPT won't ask what happened to his lil' baby chick.

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