25 April 2007

I am excited because the other day I noticed that all of the little seeds that LPT and I planted are starting to sprout. This is spiffy because it makes me feel as though I have Created Something and after they come up, I don't have to do much else besides water them a wee bit when summer really sets in and decides to go into full-on bake mode.

Baby fever is in the air. Yelhsa commented the other day that suddenly, everyone is pregnant. And that it happens this way every year: that she looks up one day from slinging lattes and enabling folks in their caffeine addictions (bad Yelhsa!) and there they are, in teensy Tshirts that once showcased muffin tops, now showcasing buddha bellies. She won't admit it outright, but I think deep down that she is offended by this. Not the pregnancy part, bu the sneaking up and surprising her. She's never been one for surprises, that one.

I honestly do not mean to be one of those people who are constantly posting completely disgusting links, but if you would like to see something that will make you think twice about direct contact with anything ever again, go to Google Images and type in NECROTIZING FASCIITIS. (yes, with a double i in there) That little disease there makes me seriously consider becoming a hermit, considering one woman contracted it from dancing barefoot at a wedding! (Ms. Biery, are you listening???) It's caused by the same little bugger that causes strep throat (Streptococcus pyogenes number 38 if you're interested) but it certainly does something completely different when it takes the flesh-eating route. And no, I do not sit around thinking about all this stuff normally.

If you want a good song to dance to (bathroom, shower, kitchen, car, what have you) Amy Winestein "I Don't Want To Go To Rehab."

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