30 April 2008

Thundercats are go*

Well friends, today is the day. Please note the ungodly hour of this post. The rule around here is that is that if LPT gets up before 7, we have a problem. But we had to call the hospital at 5 this morning to make sure there wasn't a rush on the delivery beds (thank goodness for the lack of a full moon, eh?) But I have to say that all this complaining about the hour is kind of moot - D and I didn't really sleep that well (who could?) and we were both up a bit before 5. I need coffee.
My next post should be from the point of view of a mother of two. Maybe I should spike that coffee.
P.S. Dan in Real Life is an excellent movie and everyone should see it with kleenex nearby.
*Since D just gave me a strange look, the title of this post is in reference to Juno.