After a truly hectic week, we are at last snuggled down comfy cozy in our own house. Why would we be out of our house, you ask? Well, let me tell you. A terrible winter storm just attacked Kentucky with absolutely no provocation. There was snow, there was a copious amount of ice covering everything, and as a result, all the trees broke and/or fell over, landing on the power lines. Now, we had a windstorm back in September where we didn't have power FOR TEN DAYS. That was not cool by any stretch of the imagination, but at least it was warm, and it's a lot cooler hanging out without power when you can open all the windows and doors and entertain the children by going outside. When it's approximately 20 degrees out, the house cools very quickly to about 47 degrees, and it's not a suitable environment for children. (ok, not really a suitable environment for adults, either, but D and I probably could have survived with sweaters and blankets and socks.) And I'll spare you the (obviously fascinating but nonetheless interminable) details, but I will say that the tale involves two adjoining hotel rooms occupied by our family of 4 plus my mother and stepfather, in the only hotel in Louisville that allows pets, followed by a two-night stay at the house of a dear friend (nay, saint!) with the most freakish-looking dog I have ever seen. Then our power came back on, and we had to deal with (a) a smelly refrigerator, (b) the residue left from frantically packing clothes (and all the crap you need for a baby) for an undetermined time period in about 20 minutes and (c) finally digging my car out from under the pile of snow and ice.
Then, when everything had settled down, it snowed. Again.
But it was not bad at all, light and fluffy, the kind of snow that's pleasant. Lil' Puddin' Tater agreed with me, though: We're all sick of snow. (but not of Rosemary Clooney!)
1 comment:
I'm never sick of snow. :P
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