Anyway, life has been pretty quiet at the house with the blue door. I received a new washer for Christmas from D and as soon as we had it installed properly, the dryer, in a fit of jealousy, refused to function. I cajoled it a bit, and now it works - but only if I have a bungee cord keeping the door closed. If not, it pops open and spits out clothing. And yes, the bungee cord isn't the brightest idea out there and yes, it has snapped off and hurt my hand. Thank you for your concern. The feisty dryer will be replaced, just as soon as we get our tax refund back. And friends, I would just like to say that if you are in a situation in which you (a) work full-time, (b) go to school at least part-time, and (c) have two kids, the government gives you quite a few breaks.
So... I'm taking a trip pretty soon. I'm going to Cancun. And there was much gnashing of teeth and pouting on my part (long story: short version is that I wanted A to come with and the parents paying for the trip said no, essentially) but I have calmed down and am actually looking forward to some time away from les enfants. Not that I don't love and adore both of them, but waking at the ass-crack of dawn and demanding food and diaper changes can be a bit much to handle at times. D is staying home with the midgets (cue evil laugh here) and I'll have a condo all to myself with TWO BATHROOMS. I think I'll use them both, just because I can. But this trip brings up an unpleasant prospect: my wobbly bits in a bathing suit. I have a suit that I still wear, but it's a maternity suit and the bottoms don't really stay on and the top tends to balloon out as soon as I get into the water. So, I'm looking at a few things. Let me know what you think.
Option 1: a la Miranda in the Sex and the City movie. Covers all pertinent areas, cool retro vibe.
Option 3:
Sorry the pics are so huge. (and, after having previewed the post, wonky.)

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