Oh, I do love the toys. I stumbled upon this one in Redbook magazine (I think) and I kind of wish I had requested one for Mother's Day. It's SuperMom from HappyWorker.com, and she comes with all sorts of cool accessories.
And then there are awesome t-shirts from Noisebot.com. These are my three favorites, but I especially love the orange juice one.

Another really cool (and sometimes cheaper, since they run $10 sales for members) site is Threadless.com.

DesignHerGals.com is pretty spiffy, too. I go there and play around when I'm not busy at work - it's kind of like a grown-up version of paper dolls or something. For example, here's me in an outfit that I would love to have and LPT looking much cleaner than she usually does:
Speaking of LPT, this weekend we had to go to the grocery to get ingredients for cobbler. She chose to wear, on the 87-degree day, the following: tank top, shorts, tennis shoes (all fine) Speedo water wings and a pink knit toboggan with sequins.
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