I think I may start a magazine. Everything in it will be under $20, except for one section. That section will be titled "Things to Love and Admire and Think Seriously About Before Purchasing," and that is where I will put the $117 jeans that are "a steal" because they are Paper Denim & Cloth and are on Bluefly for 40% off. Or perhaps the Gucci shoes from the same site that are also 40% off and are now an affordable (!?!?) $592. Call me cheap, but I think these would do just as nicely, and I could by this, this, this, this, this, this and this with the leftover.
Sorry. I've just been browsing a few of the glossies lately, and it seems that whenever I see some item that I like, it winds up costing WAY over $100, and frankly, my dear, that is not in the budget for multiple items of clothing. In the words of my mother (who always knows just how to put things), "Well, I may as well just not come home if I were to buy a $400 hat."
But as for something that isn't $100, (but unfortunately does fall into the over $20 category, so it does require Some Serious Thought) I think these totally rock:
They're from a company called TOMS Shoes, and what's especially spiffy about them is that when you purchase a pair for $38 (yes? no?) the company gives a pair just like 'em to a [South American] kid in need. Perhaps Mama just found a gift for Mother's Day...
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