So one of the significant drawbacks (or benefits? or maybe just facts?) of working for your stepfather while having your mother provide childcare at their home is that when something unexpected comes up (like, say, your 24 year old stepbrother is ill and decides he wants to be with his father, thus rendering the aforementioned residence off-limits to ankle-biters) you have to bring one or both of the midgets into the office with you. Now, in the past, this hasn't been a big deal at all. Lil' Puddin' Tater has lots of "work" to do, and now that she can write and is learning to read, I can give her endless activities to accomplish while I do actual work and speak to actual clients. And for an idyllic, halcyon (my word of the day calendar pays off! finally!) time, Midget 2.0 could come into the office and it was truly like he wasn't even there. But, friends, that time is OVER. He's able to ambulate, get in to all sorts of trouble with seemingly innoculous objects, and yell REALLY LOUD. And he refuses to sleep. I kind of understand, because, hey, if people you like are doing potentially cool stuff, you don't want to sleep through it! You want to be in the middle! Helping!
All of this is made worse when I have to bring M2.0 in unexpectedly. Like this morning - I'm unshowered, I overslept, and my clothes need to be washed again. I feel like ass and someone turned off the a/c in my office overnight so it's humid and hot as hell in here. M2.0 refuses to drink his cow juice or sleep and is now in the boss's office and from what I can hear, he's attenpting to make phone calls while taking the heater/air conditioning unit apart, singlehandedly.
I feel like M2.0 will associate this office with an utterly bitchy version of his mother, since I'm constantly trying to keep him quiet, away from office supplies, and out of the boss's office if there's a phone call.
and I missed my coffee.
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