This weekend I was able to spend time with J, one of my best friends ever. We're quasi-related (my uncle won't make an honest woman out of her mom) and former roommates, so I kind of consider her a sister. Anyway, we went to the farmer's market on Saturday (a thousand noms, and one of the most influential teachers I had in high school has a booth there!) and then we spent Sunday finalizing an outfit for an upcoming interview on Friday (hers, not mine, and the job is PERFECT for her.) On Saturday she had gone with another friend and tried on an insane number of ill-fitting power suits, cursing the fact that she's one size on the top and another size on the bottom. Basically, buying off-the-rack she could have insanely tight pants and a nicely-fitting jacket, or perfect pants and a jacket that made her look like a little kid playing dress-up. On the other end of the spectrum, one store tried to put her in a short-sleeved/cap-sleeved/sleeveless suit. For an interview! Luckily, she had another friend with her who made her opinion abundantly clear to the salesperson: we don't need trendy, kthanxbai. But Ann Taylor (as
In other news, Midget 2.0 has officially become a biter. Against all better judgement he bit his sister this weekend, ON PURPOSE and VERY HARD. I'm surprised, frankly, that she didn't whack him upside the head. But there were tears all around, of course from LPT, but also from M2.0 as soon as he realized he was in T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I can't wait for preschool, when I'll get concerned phone calls nightly from parents, wondering why their Little Precious has been rendered nothing more than a teether for M2.0's purposes.