03 April 2008

and the hits, they keep on coming

Well, I went to the doctor for my strep test (and they ain't swabbin' the throat for this one) and an initial dialation check (still shut tight), and we discovered the I am borderline for preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy along with protein in your urine). So what does this mean? No work for me. Lots bed rest. No walks. No IKEA on Saturday. (sniffle) Mostly, I have to lay around a lot of the time, but since it's not a case of "oh, the baby might fall out if you stand up," I can still do stuff around the house. Everything just has to be low-key. Which should be a snap, given that LPT is crazy. Oh well. I'm not that worried about it, just one more thing with this (final) pregnancy. My mother asked if I would be able to do things like answer the phone. I said yes, I would be able to do that and lots of other things, like lift my head and move my arms and legs. D told me I should have said that I can take phone calls from anyone but her - since she stresses me out. If that were the criteria, I would have a lovely little list of no-answers.

Maybe I can use this to my benefit after all.

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