31 March 2008

I discovered that by drinking an espresso beverage around 5pm does wonders for what I can accomplish at night. Three loads of laundry, plus straightening the house after LPT hit the hay. And somehow, I was actually able to get up this morning and bathe, get myself and LPT dressed, put makeup on and be in the car by 8:20! This never happens. SO I kept it up with the coffee this morning and I am on top of things. Perhaps I'm going into some weird nesting phase, and my impending crash will completely do me in. Oh well.

I'm officially sick of rain. I never thought that I would say that, but here's the thing: I have short legs, and my pants are always a bit long. Which means that they soak up water EVEN BETTER since they are constantly in contact with the wet ground and/or puddles. And the damp makes its way about halfway up my calf, just after the point where my socks end, and then I get that cold sensation every time I sit. And if I want to sit in my chair with my legs crossed beneath me, I can look forward to two wet spots on my ass. No more rain.

And LPT, in all her adorable honesty, watched me get out of bed this weekend and exclaimed, "Mama, you're really BIG." Ah, to be young. And tactless.

27 March 2008

D has promised LPT that, if she can be 100% potty-trained by her birthday, we can get a ferret. My main concern about this is (a) we're going to have something small and needy already, and very soon [the baby], and (b) I lose my keys, wallet, earrings, change, other jewelry, etc. on a daily basis without the help of any furry creatures. (though it has to be said that LPT helps more than I would like.) I don't like cleaning up poo, whether it's the human variety or otherwise - presumably ferrets, if not properly trained, will require cleaning up, or at least their cages will, and frankly, I'm not going to do it. This pet will be the sole concern of D and LPT. Though we'll see how it goes on the fragrance front - ferrets have quite the odeur and must be descented and bathed regularly to not stink up the place.
Of course, it cannot be denied that ferrets are adorable, and very smart, and that I almost got all weepy (hormones, people!) when LPT pressed her little face up against the glass case containing about twenty baby ferrets, and the wee ferrets did the same thing. If this plan goes through, the little addition would be called either Archimedes or Mr. Magoo. (Ferrets don't see so well, but they can smell and hear beautifully. As for the senility, I have no clue.)
Braxton-Hicks contractions = the devil. FYI. (and painless, my ass!)
I survived Easter without any major mishaps, even though my mother had the tastiest non-chocolate cake EVER and there was plenty of sugar-coated ham. Most everyone was sick in some way or another, but we managed to keep the candy consumption to a minimum re: LPT. And I still hate peeps.

10 March 2008

What I would wear if I had my body back

I'm entering the blah phase of pregnancy (though, aren't all stages a bit blah? Discuss.) in which the very act of rolling over in bed takes gigantic effort, and there's not a single piece of clothing that is 100% comfortable and that also looks good. I'm starting to waddle (oh! the indignity!) and even though there's about 6 weeks left, I look like I'm done. The strech marks have shown up, and all the romanticism associated with reproduction is spent. The rose is off the bloom, my friends. And so, since I am a bit bored at work today, I will submit a list of clothing items I would wear, if only my waist would go along with the deal.

04 March 2008

Even though I consider myself very familiar with death and the loss of loved ones, I cannot say that I have ever experienced losing someone with whom I was once romantically linked.

It's a strange feeling to know that you once kissed someone who is now gone.

J was an all-around great guy, and could never fail to make me laugh. He was one of the smartest people I've ever known, and I have no doubt that his life would have been a rich one.

I miss you, buddy.