12 October 2007

The other day in our local paper there was a reader letter (3rd one down, "Make abortion illegal") addressing the legality of abortion. After reading it, I immediately was incensed at the oversimplification of the issue and pretty much every single one of her arguments. So on Wednesday, I wrote a letter to my editor. I tried to keep it under 200 words as they instruct, but I was a little too fired up - it would up being a little over double that length. But when I opened the paper yesterday, there it was! I know it's just an editorial, but I have never seen my name in anything that is available to the masses (besides this blog? whatever), so I was pretty stoked. Anyway, for your reading pleasure, here you go. (2nd one down, "Women need 'choice'")

And Mr. Gore won the Nobel Prize. That makes me happy.

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