Cuppa joe
I am astonished. Apparently, Southwest Airlines is dispensing fashion advice, and getting all pissy when people don't listen to them. Kyla Ebbert was escorted off her flight to Tucson (she was going for an appointment with a doctor) by a customer service supervisor named Keith because her whole outfit was offensive. Was she dressed in dominatrix gear? No. Perhaps an outfit Britney Spears would wear? No. She had the audacity to wear a white miniskirt, a tank top (with separate bra underneath), a cardigan, and heels. Now, personally, I don't approve of miniskirts with heels, but I'll give a bit of leeway on this one. When she protested to "Keith" that she was only going to be in Tucson for a few hours and thus did not have luggage carrying ostensibly more appropriate clothing, he told her that she should go home and change then take a later flight. It was only when she cited the appointment time that he reluctantly let her back on the plane, but she had to pull her skirt down and pull her tank top up.
On a lighter note, Philippine president Joseph Estrada will have mistresses "from 02 to 08" tesitfy against him in the impeachment trial to discover how he acquired his "unexplained wealth." He apparently was very free in his spending on the ladies, giving a mansion and other properties as cadeaux. And even better, one of the mistresses is named Peachy!
And I am officially a high-maintenance coffee drinker. I always made fun of people who had outrageously long coffee orders, but today as the barista at Starbucks (please don't hate me! it's fall and they have a marvelous drink) handed me my beverage, he jauntily said, "Ok, here's your grande nonfat no whip pumpkin spice latte. Have a great day!" That's 5 specifications, folks. Does that make me a yuppie?
And finally, I have a new goal for myself in the kitchen. I would like to take this opportunity to notify my friend B (spouse of P - yes, that means you) that she is fully expected to make these as well, since she's quite the Martha. 
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