While catching up on some magazine-readin' at my in-laws' house last night, I saw a note in Redbook raving about a book titled Porn for Women. At first, I was astonished that Redbook (so clean!) would publish anything referring to pornography in their magazine. But then, I looked closer.
The Cambridge Women’s Pornography Cooperative asked women, young, old, rich, and poor, “What really, really gets you hot?” Armed with their findings, they worked day and night to create Porn for Women. Turns out, when it comes to pornography, what really turns women on is men who clean the bathroom without being asked, or make a gourmet dinner, or bring home flowers for no reason, or volunteer to watch the kids.

And then, in another seemingly obvious study, sociologists Scott Coltrane and Michele Adams of the University of California, Riverside, found that dads who do housework with their kids have children who are better adjusted and more socially aware. And those same dads tend to get laid more, too.
Uhm...yeah, I knew that already. How many other femmes did, too?
But I think I will put the book on my wishlist, and then give it to every gal I know, pronto. I mean, who doesn't fantasize about a guy who looks at the car ads and says "Why don't I get minivan, hon, so you can drive something fun?" Or a guy in bed, saying, "Is that the baby? I'll get her." And here's my all-time favorite, straight from the book.
In case you can't decipher what it says: "As soon as I finish the laundry, I'll do the grocery shopping. And I'll take the kids with me so you can relax."
On a totally unrelated note, Mom and A and myself drove to IKEA outside of Chicago on Saturday. Yes we are hardcore (or silly?), undertaking 10 hours of driving in one day just to shop for housewares. In future though, I think I'll do an overnight stay. But I got some very cool stuff! And the grand total was $43! Sweet.