I don't consider myself squeamish when it comes to things eye-related (contacts, etc.) but this makes my skin crawl.
Another day, another something(s) overpriced and ugly (encore!) from J.Crew. (Ooh! I forgot slightly pointless in addition to the overpriced!) But kudos to them on naming these shoes.
On the other hand, these something(s) are overpriced and beautiful. And I want so many of them. Yes, I do.
30 July 2008
17 July 2008
So a thirty-something douchebag tries to meet up with a 14 year old girl he met on the interweb, and he shows wearing a "World's Greatest Dad" t-shirt. Priceless.
Sarah Illenberger makes wonderful organs. Here, have a heart.
We have a new definition of abortion, brought to us by ol' Bush himself: “any of the various procedures — including the prescription, dispensing and administration of any drug or the performance of any procedure or any other action — that results in the termination of the life of a human being in utero between conception and natural birth, whether before or after implantation.” (emphasis mine) The pill prevents implantation. So now I am taking abortifacients each time I take a birth-control pill? This is one hell of a slippery slope, friends. Add to that the fact that any entity receiving federal funds is not allowed to discriminate against (read: discipline, fire, etc.) any employee who is opposed to birth control, abortion, or women's general well-being. I'll be so glad when this poophead is out of office.
Worst headline ever: From Fistula to Fab! (and no, it's not a joke)
First, do you know what a fistula is? Yeah, makes me cringe just thinking about it. The text reads:

"Lovinsa, mother of two, is recovering from surgery to correct the vasco-vaginal fistula (VVF) that she endured for over ten years. Though she has borne five children, three died at birth because of the fistula. She has been deserted by her husband and is raising her children alone. Lacking self esteem because of what she has had to go through, African Woman decided to lift her spirits. And makeover they did...who knew that behind the facade of a she and depressed young woman was a hot and sexy babe just waiting to get out? Look out world, Lovinsa has arrived!"
Second worst headline: "80 year-old Vegas stripper still does it 'classy'"
11 July 2008
No. They. Didn't. But unfortunately, they did. Folks, at left, let me present to you the Brum. Kind of like the Bro (mansiere?), but for ladies' bums. Apparently, anal cleavage (yes, that's what they're calling it) is the new thing. To me, having pants that go so low as to reveal your crack (or the top of uber-low-rise underpanties) is plain ol' plumber's butt. Not glamourous. Not sexy. And those underpanties (the Brum at left) are just asking for trouble. Can you imagine what your behind would look like after sitting on that for any length of time? Stripey, that's what. No, thank you. (For more cringe-worthy options, go here.) For a slightly different take, try this on for size.
08 July 2008
07 July 2008
Veto. That's all I can say. Veto. And maybe ick.
And yay for George Clooney not taking himself too seriously.
I find that crap like this makes me all twitchy. Because it's a terrible idea to actually assist in the prevention of a disease. According to the American Life League (real winners there), “They’re pushing pornography and contraception onto young children – beginning in kindergarten. Now parents aren’t even safe to go shopping without worrying Planned Parenthood will pressure their kids into promiscuous lifestyles that will increase their bloated birth control and abortion profits.” Yes, Planned Parenthood is just rolling in the proverbial dough. That's why they didn't need all that Title X funding. To quote Gray's Anatomy: Seriously?
Maybe I should move to Virginia.
The headline says it all: Mother, daughter use beer to escape attacker
And yay for George Clooney not taking himself too seriously.
I find that crap like this makes me all twitchy. Because it's a terrible idea to actually assist in the prevention of a disease. According to the American Life League (real winners there), “They’re pushing pornography and contraception onto young children – beginning in kindergarten. Now parents aren’t even safe to go shopping without worrying Planned Parenthood will pressure their kids into promiscuous lifestyles that will increase their bloated birth control and abortion profits.” Yes, Planned Parenthood is just rolling in the proverbial dough. That's why they didn't need all that Title X funding. To quote Gray's Anatomy: Seriously?
Maybe I should move to Virginia.
The headline says it all: Mother, daughter use beer to escape attacker
02 July 2008
I'm lazy and slightly stressed today, and I'm not in the mood to talk about myself, so you get links! Enjoy.
My face turned bright red as I read this. I think I am a prude at heart. But it is an interesting article.
And I need a vacation, according to The Baltimore Parenting Examiner. And really, I'm not sure I know of anyone (with or without kids) who could take that quiz and not need a vacation, (except maybe my sister.)
And (finally!) an explanation as to why so many children are uninsured!
Apparently, birth order affects divorce liklihood. My dad and stepmom, sister and brother-in-law and my friends B & P and E & T show that the study is correct. But D is an only and I'm an only/middle. Where does that leave us?
01 July 2008
Want to see something creepy? Go to Google Maps and look up your residence. Go to street view. Here's my trash can. (and apparently, it was no longer trash day. we rarely bring the empty can back in on time. busted.) And here's the Barbee House. And here's my car at my parent's house. And my old apartment! Granted, these pics are outdated by about a year, but it's still a little weird that I can see my house (or anyone else's, for that matter) in such detail so easily.
Last night I was at the aforementioned Barbee House and imbibed some (many?) of the finest mojitos I have ever had the pleasure to taste, with some of the finest people I have ever had the pleasure to know. I love that I have friends with whom I am so comfortable; who know my story and still like me anyway. I love that we have jokes that go back years, and that we all have our own little quirks that can always be counted upon to make appearances. My friends are truly like an extended family, and I absolutely adore all of them. Even the ones who moved to Maine.
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