Aargh. Have you ever had one of those days where you would like to...ah, nevermind. Completely counter-productive (and possibly downright detrimental) to bitch about it here. I'll save it for some poor sap on the telephone. In the meantime, I have subscribed to a blog* called Parent Hacks and there was a post by MeMo's Mama today that just struck a chord. I know the post is aimed at the ankle-biter set, but hey - we could all use some nutrition like this. I shall repost the recipe (did I mention it was a recipe? I didn't? Well, it's a recipe.) here, in the interest of being lazy. The Hunger Strike Smoothie
Get out your blender and don’t even bother measuring.
[EMBRACE THE LAZINESS!!! -note from me]
Just toss in all things good for babies and kids, and set to whirl.
Here are a few suggestions (bearing in mind you’ve already tested these foods
with your kid and are sure they are not allergic to anything listed below):
Fresh or frozen organic blueberries, strawberries,
raspberries, schnozberries, etc : Antioxidants, fiber and Vitamin C
Fresh, organic spinach leaves
(Yes, spinach! The taste is so mild, they’ll never know it’s in there!): Fiber, calcium, folate and iron
An avocado: “Good fat” and Vitamins K and E
A banana (maybe just half): Vitamin C, potassium, and B6
Plain yogurt: Calcium and protein
Brown rice: Selenium, manganese and protein
Fresh or frozen peas: Protein, Vitamin A, niacin
Fresh or frozen peaches, pears and/or mangoes: Vitamin C
You may need to add a bit of water, breast milk, formula or whole milk (kids over one year), if your blender has a tough time cutting through all of this wholesome goodness. Also, when it comes to ingredients, organic is best to avoid harmful pesticides, particularly with spinach and berries, which grow close to the ground. All produce should be thoroughly washed for at least 30 seconds under cool water.
Sounds like a plan to me. And maybe, just maybe, when LPT is yelling that she doesn't want to eat anything but Popsicles and Cheezits (get your own damn box) I could entice her with a "milkshake" - wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
*Magazine subscriptions have just gotten too expensive, and I'm not just talking about moolah. So very wasteful to receive a hulking mass of bound paper in addition to all the other junk mail I get every day without fail. (honestly, how many coupons for Martinizing does one need? I think I'm set for life.) So I have decided to subscribe to blogs, using the wonderful Google Reader. Everything new arrives on my homepage as it is written, and there are no subscription cards falling in my lap. And really, there is some SPIFFY stuff out there. Look to the right and check it out.